So 3 weeks ago we had our first successful family reunion!!
Day 1 was our cocktail hour at my cousin Roben's house in Harlem.I gotta say i would move there! She had the whole outdoor patio garden for the function! As we got there i was like okay i could do this. It was nice a large for an apartment in Harlem, but lets get to the family stuff!
But As usual all my cousins were there and mister was there of course as he is a member of the Allong's(for obvious reasons Lol).But It's always good to see my cousins
Especially Lauren & Kristin who moved down to ATL a few years ago and i only usually see them once a year! This time it was 2x because of Pops birthday! They are getting so grown and are blossoming into women one way or another LOL Kristin is to be a senior in high school and is talking about pursuing broadcast journalism which is exciting. To have a cousin who will be a broadcaster exciting.
Kritin & Lauren w/ Lea Peaking In The Background
also exciting is my cousin Sara lee who just recently graduated from John's Hopkins and is now home finally and ready to work! As well as her older sister Lea who just graduated from John Jay with Her Masters. All the Allong women of my generation are doing there thing and it's commendable!
Sara Diva Dosing & Lea Being Silly!
So There was food and some light refreshments that was cool.I parked my self right near the food table (as always) and was grubbing and catching up with the cousins . All girls btw. I'm the only male cousin (by anatomy Lmao) But as the only and oldest male i take the responsibility as to make sure to check in and see how everybody is doing. Unfortunately the 2 girls missing were my cousins Jannelle & Gabby who are the military girls Jannelle was in Afghanistan serving our country and gabby is at West point gearing up to do the same (i hope not lol). I'm proud of them as well because they are really learning about independence and survival skills! They do however have a Little sister Nikki who is the reincarnate of both of them which has it's pluses (she has heir humor, she's hilarious) and negatives (she is nothing like them, she's kinda Mixy LOL )
Nicole :-)
But anyway after we have to leave the courtyard we go up to Roben's apartment which is great! It was a 2 bedroom and it was really cool! She had this great entertainment stand that was like metal and frosts glass cabinets like in an office. But my favorite part was The Deck OMG it was HUGE!!! you could have a cute lil kiki with like 10 people on it! :-) which is huge for a NYC apartment for me atleast LOL
But it was great! we all were just winding down and then we all dispersed, But as usual Pops had to be pops.
Pops & Tussy (His Nephew In Law)
Let me explain...
It's not a family function if Pops doesn't do or say something crazy & outrageous! I think that;'s where i get it from sometimes! Lmao anywho he as been drinking but not anything crazy as he is 80! he can easily get there then he used to and he seem to have lost his jacket and was looking for it so after finding it his daughter -in law (auntie Michele) responds "don't wear no jacket tomorrow" in fun :-) she's a riot
Auntie Michele....... A Riot!!!!
and as pop is already Gone and being him responds in a low sluggy tone "I'll wear what i god damn want and if you don't like it you can kiss my Black Ass" LMAO and i then respond "On That Note, Goodnight everybody" :-) LOL Pops is a mess !
What a way to end Day 1 Huh? Lol
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